Monday, June 21, 2010

Why aren't there more than 24 Hours in a Day?

Okay, so with school, raising two kids, trying to take care of the house, it's been a while since I could post a new blog. I think I've finally got the time schedule worked out, so hopefully, I'll be posting regularly again.

We'll see.

So today--actually, yesterday, since I'm writing this at past midnight--was Father's Day. My wife graciously convinced my 19 month old to write me a card.

It consisted of one page of random scribblings, and another in which she interpreted it. How she ever understood what he said is beyond me... :)

My 19 month old is starting to become more talkative..finally! He now says "Thank you", every time you give him something, he gives you something, or he takes something from his little brother...without asking! Okay, so maybe we have a little bit of work to do in that area, but it's nice to finally have someone talk back to me.

Have you ever spent hours on end, with the only significant conversation consisting of belching, burping, or gas noises? It can be maddening! (...maybe that's my problem...I've simply lost it...)

But he also can now point to most of his body parts and say the first syllable. Example: Eyes are "Eye", Mouth is "Mou...", Nose is "No...", Feet is "Peet", and Fishies are...well, I can't actually write that one, since I'm trying to keep this G-rated.

He has also taken to eating cotton. He has a pillow that looks like a monkey, and which our two dogs got hold of, and ripped a small hole in the face. He has pulled all of the cotton out of the monkeys head, and either eats it (that's fun when it has to come out again! Talk about constipation!!!) or simply leaves it lying around the house, making it look like we just sheared a sheep in the living room.

My 5 month old can now smile (we weren't sure if he could, because he would go forever without so much as blinking...there were times when I would actually wake him up when he was sleeping, just to make sure he was still alive). You talk about a relaxed kid. Compared to my 19 month old, I think he's on pot. Come to think of it, he is always eating or has the munchies or just staring....

And I have to ask this of my readers who have boys....did you ever wonder whether or not they were homosexual?

My 19 month old loves to play with bras, wear mommy's shoes, and has recently taken to carrying around a little bag like a purse, in which he puts his toothbrush, pens, and balls of cotton. On top of that, he likes to walk on his tippy-toes, and is OCD about his cleanliness. He washes his hands about ten times a day, and will refuse to budge if there is dirt on his hand. And occasionally he'll do these...interesting?...poses that just completely baffle me. For example the other day, he bent over to pick up something off the floor. Instead of just bending over or squatting, he put one hand on the couch for support, leaned over, and lifted his right leg behind him. He straightened out his foot, pointing it in line with the bottom part of his leg, and practically touched his head.

Anyways, I'm trying to be open-minded, but I can't help but shudder sometimes when I watch him.

Being a parent is difficult, but sometimes I still wish there were more hours in the day, even if it means watching my son act like a flamenco dancer.
